1. Legal notice
In accordance to article 6-III and 19 of the Law for the Confidence in Digital Economy, we kindly inform you, that:
- The present website is edited by: Company e-Liberty Services SAS
- The company is situated at : Savoie Technolac – Bat. Andromède – 108, avenue du Lac Léman – BP 30413 – 73290 La Motte-Servolex cedex France
- E-mail address : info@eliberty.fr
- Tél. : +33 (0)4 58 16 00 10
- Number Siret : 340 557 875 00101
- Code APE : 7022Z
- Sales tax identification number : FR88340557875
- Development activities are registered under number 82 73 01623 73
- Publication director of this website « www.eliberty.fr » is Christian Mars
- The accomodation is insured by company O2 Switch (222 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand – France)
2. Limitation of liability
The user acknowledges having read these terms of use and confirm to respect them. The user of the “www.eliberty.fr” website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. The user of the “www.eliberty.fr” website acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and is in perfect manner. e-Liberty Services confirm every effort to offer users information and / or tools available and verified but can not be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of features and / or the presence of viruses on its site. The information provided by e-Liberty Services is indicative and does not exempt the user from additional and personalized analysis. e-Liberty Services cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on its site. Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility.
3. IT and freedoms
In application of the amended law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the website has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and des Libertés (www.cnil.fr), under the number. The automated processing of personal data carried out from the “www.eliberty.fr” website has been processed in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, relating to data processing, files and to freedoms. The user is in particular informed that in accordance with article 32 of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the information that he communicates by means of the forms present on the site are necessary to respond to its request and are intended for e-Liberty Services, as data controller for administrative and commercial management purposes. The user is informed that he has a right of access, interrogation and rectification which allows him, if necessary, to rectify, complete, update, lock or delete personal data concerning him which are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date or the collection, use, communication or conservation of which is prohibited. The user also has a right to object to the processing of his data for legitimate reasons as well as a right to object to this data being used for commercial prospecting purposes. All of these rights can be exercised with e-Liberty Services by mail accompanied by a copy of an identity document including a signature to be sent to:
e-Liberty Services sas
Savoie Technolac – Bat. Andromède
108, avenue du lac Léman – BP 30413
73290 La Motte-Servolex cedex France
4. Intellectual property
The general structure as well as the software, texts, images, animated or not, its know-how and all the other elements composing the site are the exclusive property of e-Liberty Services. Any total or partial representation of this site by any person whatsoever without the express authorization of e-Liberty Services is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The same applies to the databases appearing, where applicable on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the directive of March 11, 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases, of which e-Liberty Services is a producer. The trademarks of e-Liberty Services and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos made from elements of the site without the express authorization of e-Liberty Services is therefore prohibited within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code. e-Liberty Services cannot be held responsible for access by users via the hypertext links set up as part of the website to other resources on the network. Any dispute in connection with the use of the “www.eliberty.fr” site is subject to French law. The user acknowledges the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Chambers.